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Baby's Grasp


Bloom Physical Therapy specializes in providing early evaluation and treatment to babies and young children.  It was born from a strong desire to provide excellent service for littles in an environment that allows them to be safe and comfortable.  Babies learn best when they are at ease and play is how development is achieved! 


Physical therapy treatment for infants is always more successful when started EARLY.   Bloom has niche training to assess early movement patterns and neurodevelopment, allowing us to evaluate if your baby really needs therapy... or not!


Our mission is to love on your child while engaging them in purposeful play to develop their skills and help them thrive. 



Contact us or request a referral from your child's doctor for services

Exercising with Baby
Baby Crawling


Bloom will bill your insurance for physical therapy services.  We are currently in-network with Cigna, First Choice Health Network, Pacific Source, Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield, Kaiser, Moda, and Providence.


Other payment options include out-of-network billing and cash pay with 30% prompt pay discount.   


*Note: wellness services and classes are not eligible for insurance payment or prompt pay discounts*

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